Post : Librarian Gr.IV
Department : Kerala Common Pool Library
Category Code : 504/2015, 505/2015, 506/2015, 507/2015
Question Paper Code : 66/2017
Date of Test : 09-06-2017
- The first All India Conference of Librarians in 1918 was held at :
- Baroda
- Calcutta
- Madras
- Lahore
- The National Library for the visually handicapped is located at :
- Allahabad
- Indore
- Dehradun
- Nainital
- Headquarters of IFLA is located in :
- Paris
- Washington
- London
- The Hague
- Which of the following is not an implication of Fourth Law of Library Science?
- Classified arrangement
- Stack-room-guides
- Issue Methods
- Rural Library Services
- Who has not changed its name?
- Library Association, UK
- UNISIST, a project of UNESCO was launched in this year :
- 1994
- 1972
- 1958
- 2001
- System school of Management is based on the contribution of :
- Taylor
- Gilberts
- Fayol
- Urwick
Question error
- The acronym for Association for Information Management is :
- Zero Based Budgeting system was propounded by :
- Peter Drucker
- Edward Evans
- Allen Kent
- Peter Phyrr
- “Span of control” refers to :
- The numbers of subordinates to be supervised
- Exercise strict control staff
- Duration over which the control is to be exercised
- The area which is to be controlled
- POSDCORB coined by :
- Fayol
- Maslow
- Gulic
- Ranganathan
- ISBN now consists of :
- 10 digits
- 13 digits
- 15 digits
- 8 digits
- Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science is published by :
- H.W. Wilson
- R.R. Bowker
- Marcel Dekker
- Andrew Deutsch
- ‘Rules for dictionary catalogue’ was devised by :
- A. Panizzi
- C.C. Jewet
- S. Lubetzky
- C.A. Cutter
- A Gazette gives information about :
- Places of tourist interest
- History of places
- Official announcement and notification
- Old records
- Glossary is a :
- List of technical words with definitions
- List of words in a language
- List of thematically arranged words
- Alphabetical index to passages of work
- Which university appointed the first full time university librarian?
- Delhi University
- Punjab University
- Madras University
- Calcutta University
Question error
- Arrange the following classification schemes in the order of year of origin.
- UDC, Expansive classification, DDC, CC
- Expansive classification, UDC, CC, DDC
- DDC, CC, Expansive classification, UDC
- DDC, Expansive classification, UDC, CC
- Arrange the following Associations according to the year of establishment.
- ALA, CILIP (LA), Special Library Association, ASLIB
- CILIP (LA), ALA, Special Library Association, ASLIB
- ALA, Special Library Association, CILIP (LA), ASLIB
- ASLIB, ALA, CILIP (LA), Special Library Association
- Who propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference service”?
- William A. Katz
- S.R. Ranganathan
- James I. Wyer
- R. Emery
- Which national agency in India is assigning the ISBN?
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Education Resource Centre
- Delhi Public Library
- Federation of Publishers in India
- National Library of India
- Berne convention was adopted in the year :
- 1911
- 1886
- 1900
- 1947
- FID was dissolved in the year :
- 2002
- 2005
- 2000
- 2003
- ‘Geophysics’ has been formed as a result of :
- Lamination
- Fusion
- Fission
- Agglomeration
- Which committee recommended that imperial library be designated as copyright library?
- Fayzee Committee, 1939
- Richey Committee, 1926
- Statham Committee, 1932
- Sadler Committee, 1916
- Who was the first Librarian of Imperial Library, Calcutta?
- John MacFarlane
- Harinath De
- B.S. Kesavan
- S.R. Ranganathan
- In colon classification which indicator has been used for indicating interpolation?
- Comma
- Hyphen
- Astericks
- Ampersand
- What is Denudation?
- Is dividing classes to decrease the extension.
- Is dividing classes to increase the extension.
- Is dividing classes to increase intension and decrease extension.
- Is dividing classes to decrease intension.
- Information about Government of India’s stand on ‘FDI’ can be found in :
- Gazetteer of India
- Britanniea Book of the Year
- Statesman’s Yearbook
- Asian Recorder
- The National Mission on Libraries, India was established in which year?
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- ‘Indian National Bibliography’ is arranged under two parts, General Publication and __________ Publications.
- Private
- Electronic
- Governmental
- Non-book
- The concept of ‘Reference Service’ is given by :
- J.H. Shera
- A. Strauss
- S.R. Ranganathan
- Samuel Green
- In which scheme of classification, special auxiliaries denote locally recurrent characteristics?
- Dewey Decimal Classification
- Universal Decimal Classification
- Bibliographic Classification
- Colon Classification
- Which one is not a canon (as given Ranganathan)?
- Canon of Comprehensiveness
- Canon of Consistence
- Canon of Context
- Canon of Currency
- Granthana is an official publication of :
- Library Legislation refers to the development of :
- Academic Libraries
- Special Libraries
- Public Libraries
- None of these
- IASLIC was founded in the year :
- 1955
- 1965
- 1975
- 1985
- Transistors were used in which generation of computers?
- First generation
- Second generation
- Third generation
- None of these
- Number of States in India which have enacted Public Library Legislation till date is :
- Seven
- Ten
- Thirteen
- Sixteen
- Index Medicus is brought out as printed publication.
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Has ceased publication
- ‘Five Laws of Library Science’ was first published in :
- 1925
- 1930
- 1931
- 1933
- INSDOC has been merged with NISCOM and is now known as :
- DELNET stands for :
- Developing Library Network
- Department of Electronics Library Network
- Distance Education Library Network
- Delhi Library Network
- Amendment to ‘Delivery of Books (Public Libraries) and Newspapers Act’ was enacted in
India in the year :
- 1952
- 1954
- 1956
- 1962
- The Principle of Canonical Sequence is one of the principles of :
- Facet Sequence
- Fundamental Categories
- Helpful Sequence
- Basic laws
- The Principle of Local Variation is mainly applicable in :
- Cataloguing
- Reference service
- Circulation
- Acquisition
- Who is the author of “Subject Catalogue”?
- E.J. Coate
- J. Kaiser
- C.A. Cutter
- J.W. Metcalfe
- “Facts on File” can be grouped under :
- Primary source
- Secondary source
- Tertiary source
- None of these
- ‘Parry Committee’ (UK) was set up to advise :
- School Libraries
- Public Libraries
- Special Libraries
- University Libraries
- Grey Literature means :
- The literature published by a publisher named as “Grey Publisher”
- The literature which is not published and is not available through normal book selling channels
- The literature published and made available in Grey shades
- The literature which is published and made available through special publishers
- World of Learning is :
- A Bibliography
- An Abstract
- An Encyclopedia
- A Directory
- Routing of periodicals is :
- Indexing Service
- Abstracting Service
- “Book Number” helps in :
- Individualising the book within the same class number
- Individualising the book among the books with same authors
- Individualising among the books with same year of publication
- Knowing the subject of the book
- The “Principle of Literary Warrant” was propounded by :
- S.R. Ranganathan
- W. Hulme
- Melvil Dewey
- Derek De Solla Price
- Pre-natal Cataloguing means :
- Simplified Cataloguing
- Pre-Publication Cataloguing
- Selective Cataloguing
- Shared Cataloguing
- Which of the following does not fall into the category of pre-coordinate indexing?
- Chain indexing
- Uniform Indexing
- Sear’s List of Subject Headings
- DESIDOC is documentation center for :
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Defence Science
- Rural Development
- Khadi & Village Industries
- SSDC referred to the National Documentation Centre now known as :
- Orientation of library users is a kind of :
- Reference Service
- Referral Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Selective Dissemination of Information Service
- The library budget prepared without considering the previous years budget is :
- Zero based Budget
- Performance Budget
- Line item Budget
- Lumpsum Budget
- The abbreviation MB to state the storage capacity refers to :
- Mega bytes
- Million bits
- Million bytes
- Mega bits
- Weeding of un-useful books from the library is emphasized by this law of library science :
- Second law
- Third law
- Fourth law
- Fifth law
- The GMD in a catalogue entry according to AACR-II revised edition is given :
- After the title proper
- Before the title
- After the statement of responsibility
- Before the statement of responsibility
- Match the following :
List-I : (a) Library is people’s university (b) Library is a growing organisation (c) Library can be useful to the society (d) Library is the heart of the University
List-II : (i) Kothari (ii) Urquart (iii) Ranganathan (iv) Sayajirao Gayakwar- (a)-(iv) (b)-(iii) (c)-(ii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(iv) (b)-(i) (c)-(iii) (d)-(ii)
- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(iv) (b)-(ii) (c)-(i) (d)-(iii)
- Match the following :
List-I : (a) British Library (b) Bibliotheque National (c) Lenin Library (d) Library of Congress
List-II :(i) Russia (ii) USA (iii) UK (iv) French- (a)-(iv) (b)-(iii) (c)-(i) (d)-(ii)
- (a)-(i) (b)-(ii) (c)-(iii) (d)-(iv)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(i) (d)-(ii)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(ii) (i)
- Match the following :
List-I : (a) Software (b) Hardware (c) Storage Device (d) I/O Device
List-II : (i) Key words (ii) CD (iii) SOUL (iv) CPU- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iii) (c)-(iv) (d)(i)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(ii) (c)-(iv) (d)(i)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(ii) (d)(i)
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation : (i) Promotes public libraries (ii) Located at Mumbai (iii) Promotes school libraries (iv) Located at Kolkata
- (i) and (ii) are correct
- (i) and (iv) are correct
- (i) and (iii) are correct
- (iii) and (iv) are correct
- Identify the correct order of the evolution of the following storage devices :
- DVD, Magnetic tape, Floppy, CD
- CD, DVD, Magnetic tape, Floppy
- Floppy, CD, DVD, Magnetic tape
- Magnetic tape, Floppy, CD, DVD
- Arrange the physical forms of catalogue in the chronological sequence :
- Register, Sheaf Catalogue, Card Catalogue, OPAC
- Sheaf Catalogue, Register, Card Catalogue, OPAC
- Card Catalogue, Sheaf Catalogue, Register, OPAC
- Sheaf Catalogue, Card Catalogue, Register, OPAC
- Match the following :
List-I : (a) Scaler Chain (b) Espirit de Corps (c) Scientific Management (d) Span of control
List-II : (i) Direct dealing with subordinates (ii) Production, efficiency and prevention of waste (iii) Emphasis on Team Work (iv) Top to Bottom- (a)-(iv) (b)-(iii) (c)-(ii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(i) (d)-(ii)
- (a)-(iv) (b)-(ii) (c)-(iii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iii) (c)-(i) (d)-(iv)
- Match the following :
List-I : (a) Check Card (b) Kardex (c) Newark System (d) Browne System
List-II: (i) Reader’s Ticket (ii) Three Card System (iii) Periodicals (iv) Borrower’s Card- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(i) (d)-(ii)
- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(iv) (b)-(i) (c)-(ii) (d)-(iii)
- Pre-coordinate indexing system is followed in : (i) Chain Indexing (ii) POPSI (iii) UNITERM (iv) PRECIS
- (i) and (iv) are correct
- (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
- (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
- (ii) and (iv) are correct
- Primary Sources include : (i) Thesis (ii) Patent (iii) Abstracting Periodical (iv) Periodical article
- (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
- (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
- (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
- (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
- The catalogue codes were developed in the order as :
- Anglo American Code (Joint Code), Rules for Dictionary Catalogue, ALA rules for author and title entries, AACRI
- Rules for Dictionary catalogue, ALA Rules for author and title entries, AACRI, Anglo American Code (Joint Code)
- Rules for Dictionary catalogue, Anglo American Code (Joint Code) ALA rules for author and title entries, AACRI
- ALA rules for author and title entries, AACRI, Rules for Dictionary catalogue, Anglo American Code
- Which of the following are library networks? (i) INTERNET (ii) DELNET (iii) NICNET (iv) OCLC
- (i) and (ii) are correct
- (ii) and (iv) are correct
- (i) and (iii) are correct
- (i) and (iv) are correct
- Arrange the following books in order of their publication : (i) Classified Catalogue Code
(ii) Prolegamena to Library Classification (iii) Five Laws of Library Science (iv) Colon Classification
- (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
- (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
- (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
- (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
- Match the following :
List-I :(a) Tamil Nadu Public Libraries Act (b)Maharashtra Public Libraries Act (c) Kerala Public Libraries Act (d) Orissa Public Libraries Act
List-II : (i) 1948 (ii) 1989 (iii) 1967 (iv) 2002- (a)-(i) (b)-(iii) (c)-(ii) (d)-(iv)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(ii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(ii) (b)-(iii) (c)-(i) (d)-(iv)
- (a)-(i) (c)-(ii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(iii)
- Match the following :
List-I : (a) Principles of Management (b) Functions of Management (c) Theory of Hierarchy of needs (d) System School of Management
List-II : (i) F.W. Taylor (ii) Abraham Maslow (iii) Luther Gullick (iv) Henry Fayol- (a)-(i) (b)-(iii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(ii)
- (a)-(iii) (b)-(ii) (c)-(i) (d)-(iv)
- (a)-(iv) (b)-(iii) (c)-(ii) (d)-(i)
- (a)-(ii) (b)-(i) (c)-(iv) (d)-(iii)
- Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
- Books in Print - Trade Bibliography
- Cummulative Book Index - Books published in English language
- British Books in Print - R.R. Bowker
- National Bibliography - INB
Question error
- “The high purpose of Book Selection is to provide the right book to the right reader at the right time”. Whose quotation is this?
- Francis Drury
- H.E. Bliss
- Melvil Dewey
- C.A. Cutter
- Who was the British general to esteem Rani Lakshmibhai of Jhansi as the best and bravest military leader of the rebels?
- Sir Colin Campbell
- Major General Havelock
- Sir James Outram
- Sir Hugh Rose
- When was the new enfield Rifle with greased cartridges introduced in the British Indian Army?
- November 1856
- December 1856
- January 1857
- February 1857
- The Revolutionary who ended his days as a Ramakrishna Mission Swami was?
- Jatindranath Bandopadhay
- Sukh Dev
- Jatin Das
- Surya Sen
- ‘Kingdom of God’ is written by :
- John Ruskin
- Leo Tolstoy
- Saint Augustine
- Marc Bloch
- Who is known as the Political Guru of Subhash Chandra Bose?
- Deshabandhu Chittaranjan Das
- Motilal Nehru
- Swami Vivekananda
- Gandhiji
- Who was the author of the book ‘The Indian War of Independence 1857’?
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- V.D. Savarkar
- S.R. Sharma
- R.C. Majumdar
- The two principles of Mahatma Gandhiji’s Ram Rajya were :
- Truth and non-violence
- Right means and Right ends
- Khadi and Ahimsa
- Satyagraha and Non-violence
- At which place was All India Khilafat Conference held in 1919?
- Lucknow
- Delhi
- Aligarh
- Porbandar
- Who is known as Lincoln of Kerala?
- Pandit Karuppan
- T.K. Madhavan
- Swami Vagbhatananda
- Poykayil Yohannan
- Which social reformer is known as “Madan Mohan Malavya” of Kerala?
- Dr. Palpu
- Mannath Padmanabhan
- Sree Narayana Guru
- Sardar K.M. Panikkar
- Who led the ‘Mookuthi Agitation’ for the Sake of Lower Caste people in Kerala?
- Arattupuzha Velayudhan
- Kumara Guru
- Ayya Vaikundar
- Vagbhatananda
- First Soil museum in India is at :
- Parattukonam
- Nedumangad
- Negyattinkara
- Alappuzha
- Which of the following states is also known as ‘The land of dawn lit mountains’?
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Meghalaya
- Manipur
- Nagaland
- World Cancer Day was observed on :
- February 4
- December 1
- 24 March
- 7 April
- ‘Almatti Hydroelectric Project’ situated in north Karnataka was on the river :
- Godavari
- Krishna
- Tungabhadra river
- Netravati River
- Which Indian City hosted the 2017 Nuclear Security Summit?
- Mumbai
- Kolkata
- New Delhi
- Hyderabad
- Name of the Chinese traveler who visited Kerala in A.D. 1409?
- Hsuan Tsang
- Fahiyan
- I-tsing
- Ma Huan
- The Moderates and Extremists were united in the Congress Session of :
- Lahore
- Bombay
- Allahabad
- Lucknow
- Who first used the term Swaraj in his Presidential address in 1906?
- B.G. Tilak
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- G.K. Gokhale
- Who was the Deoband Scholar to have played a prominent role in the Nationalist movement?
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Chirag Ali
- Abdul Kalam Azad
- Badruddin Tyabji