Who was the first Malayali Women to appear in the postal stamp?

postal stamp book color

Who was the first Malayali Women to appear in the postal stamp?
A) Annie Mascrene
B) Sister Alphonsa
C) Akkamma Cheriyan
D) Meera Bhai
Answer: Sister Alphonsa

Who was the first Malayalee to on postal stamp?
Sree Narayana Guru

Name of first adhesive postage stamp?
Penny Black

Who was featured on Penny Black postal stamp?
Queen Victoria

When was Penny Black introduced?
May 1840

Study of postage stamps

What is the first adhesive postage stamps in Asia?
Scinde Dawk (year: 1852)

Full form of Pin Code?
Postel Index Number

Postal stamp is known as the Silent ambassador of a nation

The first country to issue perfumed postage stamps

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